Pisces Horoscope 2014 (Moon sign based)

Pisces Horoscope 2014

Pisces is owned by Jupiter and it would be unoccupied by any planet during start of the year. It should turn out to be a lucky year ahead. The period after May 2014 would be exceptionally good in 2014. Name, fame, income and new relationships with powerful men is on the cards. There may be some partial problems at workplace so try to ignore them. Luck would prevail in 2014.

Pisces Family Horoscope 2014

Venus would be occupying eleventh house. It would be exchanging places with Saturn in Libra (Venus' sign). Your efforts to keep your family happy would be at the peak. There would be some favourable results in this direction. There may be some likely gains from the spouse financially. Reciprocate in the same manner to your spouse and you'll stay happy as a family.

Pisces Health Horoscope 2014

Work upon your body by way of healthy food and complete workout and it is likely that 2014 would turn out to be a very healthy year. Any effort towards this direction is very likely to provide immense benefits. Work with your body and think with your mind to achieve a healthy body.

Pisces Love Horoscope 2014

There are chances of sudden events that do not promote happiness in your love life. You have to be very analytical in your approach towards handling your loved one. Avoid questioning attitude to maintain status quo in your relationship. Remember that a low is always followed by a high.

Pisces Career Horoscope 2014

The year 2014 would be a blend of the entire flavor in your professional life. Expect some really good results post June 2014, as 2014 astrology predicts. Avoid any kind of paucity in your work related affairs and follow your instincts to perform in the assigned tasks. Some new project may be approaching with a heads up for you, go and grab the opportunity.

Pisces Money Horoscope 2014

Brilliant year for establishing yourself financially. The period post June 2014 would pose some excellent opportunities; you may gain new sources of finances and improved pattern of income. Stay focused in your approach and you'll succeed.

Pisces Education Horoscope 2014

It would be a good year for academic education. Favorable results are likely to flow in 2014. Draw complete attention towards your intelligence and intellect to gain academically. Some delays may happen

By Nitin Datta